I finished two new paintings within the past two weeks. Interestingly, they are related to both where I live and where I work. The first one I finished is based one of the views from the office building where I work at my day job in the Inland Steel Building. The views are great and have inspired many photographs, drawings, and paintings over the past year.
Dearborn Reflections, oil on panel, 24x24, 2015
The second one I finished recently is closer to home and which I connect with more. It's a view of the water tank in Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood where I have mostly lived for the past 15 years. I could see it from my living room window and it was an iconic structure in the neighborhood for about 90 years. It was taken down from the top of the Swedish American Museum about a year ago due to damage from the bad winter of 2013/2014. There has been an ongoing effort to raise money for a replica to replace the tank.